Harvesting Health – Naco Wellness Initiative The Naco Wellness Initiative is a non-profit, binational organization of Arizona and Naco, Sonora, Mexico residents that is helping improve lives in Naco, south of the US border. NWI uses gardens, exercise, education and other programs to assist residents get better food and healthcare, including tests for diabetes and high blood pressure. Groundworks to the Moon! Groundworks is a youth-driven arts and music space in Tucson, Arizona. Luca and Rowan Cafiero are the embodiment of what Groundworks can be, a safe space for young people to gather in community, grow their art and confidence, and explore who they are. Invasive Desert Plants – Stinknet The Sonoran Desert has thousands of native plants that are desirable in our environment, but other species can thrive here as well, making them invasive and undesirable. Stinknet (Oncosiphon pilulifer) is one of them. This groundcover that originated in South African and Lesotho can take over large areas, competing for resources with native plants and creating a fire hazard, and allergic reactions among other concerns. The Golden Goose The Golden Goose is a thrift store in the small town of Catalina, north of Tucson, that has been around for 20 years and has raised over 20 million dollars from donated merchandise. There are two non-profits (Saddlebrooke Community Outreach and Impact of Southern Arizona) who divide the proceeds equally between them. Then those groups distribute the money to specific social service programs for people in need in the community. The Golden Goose is primarily run by 7 full-time employees and over 350 volunteers. The Goose is located between two retirement communities and so for many elderly customers, coming to the Goose might be their main hub for social interaction, which also fosters a genuine sense of community. Volunteering at the Goose can help many older people with the isolation that can come with aging and so volunteering gives those people a sense of purpose.