In this installment of Arizona Illustrated’s poetry series, a collaboration with the UA Poetry Center, the acclaimed poet, Javier Zamora, reads
Aniversario or We Moved To Tucson During a Pandemic, a tribute to his wife Jo Cipriano.
Javier Zamora was born in El Salvador and migrated to the US when he was nine. His first poetry collection, Unaccompanied explores some of these themes. In his debut New York Times bestselling memoir, SOLITO, Javier retells his nine-week odyssey across Guatemala, Mexico, and eventually through the Sonoran Desert. He travelled unaccompanied by boat, bus, and foot. After a coyote abandoned his group in Oaxaca, Javier managed to make it to Arizona with the aid of other migrants.
Producer/Editor: David Fenster
Videographer: Diana Cadena
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