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Adapting to life under social distancing

Plus, answers to listeners' COVID-19 questions, food bank use doubles, weddings rescheduled, and a reminder about library resources.

Pima County calls for medical volunteers

The county is building database of volunteers with specific skills to help amid an expected surge in COVID-19 patients..

Sonora asks medical students to join coronavirus fight

The mayor of Hermosillo, the state capital, is considering a 12-hour curfew in the city.

Gov. Ducey issues stay-at-home order for Arizona

The executive order is effective Tuesday at 5 p.m.

UA psychology professor offers tips for navigating uncertainty of coronavirus

The first piece of advice? Lower the expectations you put on yourself and others.

Arizona hospital group says target for adding beds is a tall order, but possible

The governor has ordered hospitals to increase bed capacity by 50% by the end of April.

How to cope with physical distancing and isolation during COVID-19 pandemic

A discussion with UA psychology professor David Sbarra.

Don't count on warm weather to ease coronavirus spread, says biologist

The virus is still too new and unfamiliar to fully understand.

Low testing rates give misleading picture of virus spread in Arizona, experts say

Arizona could be closer to New York and Washington state than test numbers indicate.

COVID-19 redefines the semester: One UA student's perspective

In this radio essay, an AZPM student production assistant describes her experience balancing classes and a pandemic.

Arizona health director expects COVID-19 illnesses to peak in April, hospitalizations in May

Gov. Ducey on Thursday issued an order to hospitals to develop plans to increase capacity.

Health officials emphasize importance of mental health amid social distancing

A Pima County official said people need to remember that social distancing does not mean emotional isolation.

Chronic pain patients affected by opioid crisis

CDC guidelines cut back on prescriptions.

COVID-19 cases on the rise in Pima County, state, with more expected

The Arizona Health Services Department reported five deaths in the state, including Pima County's first.

UA scientists step up to help local shortage of coronavirus testing kits

A team at the University of Arizona is producing thousands of collection kits for the virus.

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