More Health & Medicine Stories

University of Arizona Considers Ban on E-Cigarettes

Cigarettes, pipes and chewing tobacco were banned on campus in 2014.

Hopi Cultural Center to Reduce Arsenic in Drinking Water

EPA orders center to come up with measures as part of multiyear management plan.

Regents Will Hire Expert to Review UA Health Sciences

'Comprehensive' review to start as soon as possible; UA President Hart happy with decision.

Board of Regents to Meet over UA Colleges of Medicine

Will meet to discuss, receive legal advice and 'take possible action.'

UA Health Sciences Head Rejects Allegations

'Skip' Garcia doesn't anticipate basis for investigation but would cooperate fully.

SynCardia Official: Tucson Operations Expected to Continue

Artificial heart manufacturer went through bankruptcy, sale in July.

From a Few Holding Cells to 17 Medical Clinics in Tucson: El Rio After 50 Years

The community health center celebrates its expansion and many years of service.

UA Veterinary School Accreditation Put on Hold

University to appeal decision that halts professional degree program enrollment.

UA Phoenix Med School Under Regents' Scrutiny

Board will hold meetings to review medical community complaints.

Lawsuit: State Improperly Reduces Immigrant Health Care

Up to 3,500 refugees, asylum seekers and immigrant crime victims may be affected.

UA Cancer Center contributes to VP Biden's Cancer Moonshot

Effort seeks to complete a decade’s worth of research in 5 years, focusing on ovarian cancer.

"The King of Sting" Talks Arizona Insects

Also on Arizona Spotlight: The future of "Right to Try" for the terminally ill; Tucson street names often stir debate; the swingin' nighlife of Arizona's bats.

UA Alzheimer's Research Looks at Aging Female Brain

Scientist considers reproductive milestones as triggers

UA Researchers Focus on Healthy Aging Brain

Dementia, Alzheimer's are not inevitable.

Better Health on Border Goal of Binational Effort

Healthy Border 20/20 plan brings medical professionals from both sides together.

Measles at Eloy Detention Center Close Immigration Court

40% of staff members won't get vaccinated or show proof of vaccination, health official says.

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