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Health Insurance Enrollment Deadline Nears For Some

Those covered by some government-funded programs will need to enroll in new insurance.

Retinal Implants Get New Tech That Could Improve Clarity

Wolfgang Fink, member of the joint U.S.-German research team developing product said current retinal implants allow people to see, but only basic, blurry shapes.

Tucsonan Helps Philippines Relief Efforts

Arizonan coordinating emergency medical aid on Leyte Island with Doctors Without Borders.

AZ Week: Child Abuse Victim Gives Back as Foster Parent

Daniela Preciado says she sees herself in many of the kids she cares for now that she has reached adulthood.

Further Cuts to Food Stamps Worry Local Food Bank Officials

As part of Farm Bill, Senate wants to cut $4B from program's budget in next 10 years, while House wants $40B.

Report: AZ Homelessness Has Decreased in Past 3 Years

US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development found 13,700 homeless individuals in 2010, compared to 10,600 in 2013.

AZ's Rate of Uninsured Children Third Highest in US, Report Says

Georgetown University study found 13.2 percent of Arizona's kids don't have health coverage.

Book Club Raises Mental Health Awareness, Builds Community

Two volunteers work to create a forum for learning about mental illness that welcomes a growing group of interested readers.

Tucsonan Struggles to Find a Kidney, Turns to Facebook

Don Do, a 23-year-old former UA student, created an event page to reach out to people, hoping to find a donor.

33,000 Arizonans Applied So Far for Fed Health Exchange

US Dep. of Health says between Oct. 1, Nov. 2 about 17,000 people applied for plan, also sought coverage for families, totaling to 33,000 residents.

Horseback Riding as Therapy for Special Needs

Since 1974, TROT has used method for children, adults who are challenged with everything from blindness, PTSD and autism.

Obamacare Issues Affect AZ Medicaid Enrollment

Arizona expanded its Medicaid program, known as AHCCCS, under the Affordable Care Act.

Health Centers Enroll 8,000 in First Month of Medicaid Expansion

Arizona officials estimate 300,000 people are eligible for the state’s Medicaid program, known as AHCCCS.

Obamacare Site Defects Push People to Other Enrollment Options

Local patient navigator turns to helping uninsured residents fill out paper applications to weigh on their eligibility for insurance plans.

UAMC to Launch Electronic Health Records System

Starting Nov. 1 the hospital will begin storing its medical records online; such method has been used in the U.S. since the 1960s.

Health Secretary, in Phoenix, Promises Care Act Fixes

Sebelius says 700K applications have been submitted for coverage through online exchange, despite flaws.

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