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Arizona Lawmakers Begin Final Votes on $9.58B State Budget

After a week of negotiations, legislators bring spending package to the floor Tuesday.

Southern Arizonans Tell of Border Life to House Committee

Ranchers want end to Border Patrol checkpoints along I-19, more rural outposts

County Budget Proposal Pushes Another Property Tax Increase

Pima administrator says state cost shifts necessitate higher budget, tax rate, again.

Legislature Breaks for Weekend Without Vote on $9.58B Budget

Republican House members hold out for more education funding in spending package.

History of Davis-Monthan: Empty Fields to Wartime Prep

Former municipal airport has seen famous flyers, been base for generations of military planes.

Davis-Monthan at 75 Years: What's Its Military Future?

Metro Week explores the past, present and future of Air Force base in Tucson.

Kids Health, K-12 Funding Stand Out in State Budget Battle

*Arizona Week* Friday looks at some of the biggest talking points at the Capitol.

School Funding Deal Reported in House; Budget Moves Slowly

Arizona lawmakers still in session Friday; floor debates expected on $9.58 billion budget.

Sunday Forum Explores Violence, Mental Illness Connection

Free program invites public to take on myths, facts surrounding subject.

Tools and Trade In All 50 States

Tucson resident plans to travel across the country to "get gigs" and meet new people.

Charity Event Sunday Brings Out Tucson's Sweeter Side

13th Annual Pie Party will benefit several nonprofits, provide treats.

Town Hall: Better Roads Would Strengthen Trade with Mexico

Business, government leaders lament infrastructure issues hampering imports, exports.

Minimal El Niño Rains Create Prime Conditions for Wildfire

Dry vegetation and blowing winds increase risk for hazardous dust storms.

Dorm Move Out: UA Students Donate Unwanted Items

Around 6,600 students will vacate dorms over the next two weeks.

May Special Election: Smooth Sailing or More Problems?

Officials say they hope March’s long voting lines, registration problems are past.

Federal Appeals Court Will Hear Tucson Elections Case

City asked for review of ruling that its hybrid election system is unconstitutional.

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