Rainforests are some of the wettest places on the planet and none more so than the Amazon. Standing at the top of Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world, Charlotte reveals how a million tons of water pour into 11 thousand tributaries of the Amazon Basin each year, making it the biggest river system on earth. Charlotte takes us on a journey through the streams, rivers, swamps and lakes of the Amazon in search of the crocodiles, giant river otters, pink dolphins and other wildlife that make this place unique. She finds herself on the ride of her life - rafting down huge rapids and traveling through choppy waters where the Amazon and Rio Negro Rivers meet. Here the water is 10 miles wide and as dangerous as the sea. Charlotte wades across streams and swamps full of perils - crocodiles, stingrays, piranhas, and the candiru fish which will find a home in your bladder! Using miniature underwater cameras, electrical sensors and hydrophones, Charlotte investigates the underwater world of electric fish, the infamous high-voltage eel and the strange pink river dolphin. The "flooded forest" of the Amazon is unique. Charlotte finds herself back in the canopy, but this time she is floating in it! The water has risen by 30 feet and she has to paddle in a dug out canoe, while hacking her way with a machete through the branches.