During a badminton-like game of "Whack-it-Back," Ord hits the whistlin g birdie so hard that it disappears over the trees. Norm the Number Gn ome presents a challenge: number and connect the ten black dots that h e scatters across the land, and they'll find the birdie. Using what Ma x remembers from his puzzle book at home, they track down dots represe nted by various numbers of cactuses and watermelons, chili peppers and Dandylions, Do-Re-Mi birds and Stinky Dink bugs. When they connect al l ten in the correct order, the lines form an arrowpointing to Ord's w histler in a tree! In, "Smashing Success" The kids get their first loo k at the dragons' Music Night act, and Emmy is overcome with admiratio n for Wheezie's talent. When the dragons take a break, she attempts to imitate her trumpet playing and accidentally breaks the instrument. F earful that Wheezie won't like her anymore, Emmy hides the broken trum pet, then tries unsuccessfully to repair it. Wheezie blames Zak, and E mmy isn't confessing despite her brother's urgings.