Better Body Support: Shoulders, Back and Feet

Episode 1 of 1

The producers of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind are producing a series of one-hour health documentaries which will come out one every other month throughout 2015. In these special programs, physicians are interviewed who are working with their patients, and encouraging them to be more proactive in their overall health care while providing them with the tools and hope to have a healthier life! Healthy bones and joints allow us to run, jump, play sports - even go for a walk. Our shoulders permit arm and hand movement. Our backs help support our entire body. And healthy feet allow mobility as we move from one place to another, on our own. But injury and disease can bring many of these functions to a halt. In Better Body Support we will explore the areas of shoulder damage, cervical degenerative disc issues, and the debilitating affects that diabetes can have on our feet. Shoulder damage can happen with age, or repetitive arm movement due to work or sporting activities. A disease called cervical dystonia can cause painful, involuntary muscle movement in the neck. Cervical degenerative disc disease can damage nerves in the neck area, resulting in tingling and weakness in the arms and shoulders. And type 2 diabetes can lead to issues of the feet called neuropathy. Untreated neuropathy can be the cause of debilitating foot ulcers that make mobility difficult and could lead to amputation in extreme cases.

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