In the spirit of adventure, Joseph sets out on a California exploration through the state's Tri-Valley region. In his visit to the Amador, Livermore and San Ramon valleys he learns that while searching the world over for the exotic, often we miss the exciting, surprising and pleasurable experiences that await close to home. In the Tri-Valley cities of Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon and Dublin and the town of Danville, Joseph discovers a slew of little-known attractions that include a thriving wine region, historic towns, a diverse culinary scene and art, music and cultural festivals. And what is most impressive, is that although just 33 miles from San Francisco, California's Tri-Valley region continues to honor its historic roots, which date back centuries, while it enthusiastically celebrates its new communities. By the end of his visit Joseph has a better understanding of the Tri-Valley motto, "Tri It, You'll Love it! "