BALANCING THE SCALES provides an insightful look at the story of female lawyers in America. The film chronicles pioneering attorneys, including twins Ruby and Ruth Crawford (who first began practicing law in the 1940s), as well as contemporary stories detailing the challenges that women in the legal profession still face today. Through interviews conducted over the past 20 years with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her daughter, Columbia law professor Jane Ginsburg; civil rights attorney Gloria Allred and her daughter, attorney and media figure Lisa Bloom; State Supreme Court and Appellate Court Justices; as well as female equity partners, women of color, young associates, and law-school students - the documentary examines a range of topics from discrimination and work/life balance to what it takes to become a partner in today's law firms. BALANCING THE SCALES also explores the persistent cultural bias that childcare is primarily a woman's role, and societal views about the value of care-giving vs. the value of professional careers. Through interviews conducted over the past 20 years with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her daughter, Columbia law professor Jane Ginsburg; civil rights attorney Gloria Allred and her daughter, attorney and media figure Lisa Bloom; State Supreme Court and Appellate Court Justices; as well as female equity partners, women of color, young associates, and law-school students - the documentary examines a range of topics from discrimination and work/life balance to what it takes to become a partner in today's law firms. BALANCING THE SCALES also explores the persistent cultural bias that childcare is primarily a woman's role, and societal views about the value of care-giving vs. the value of professional careers.