OPERATION STONEGARDEN SHERIFF NAPIER: Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier shares how the department will proceed following the termination of federal funds from Operation Stonegarden. The controversial grant program covers costs for work done in cooperation with Border Patrol. The department has received about $16 million from Stonegarden since 2006. OPERATION STONEGARDEN, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Pima County Board of Supervisors Ramon Valadez and Steve Christy explain their opposing votes to terminate Operation Stonegarden. Valadez had previously voted to continue the program earlier this year, but ultimately voted to cease funding at the board’s most recent meeting. Christy was the only supervisor present to vote in favor of its continuation. FLORES SETTLEMENT: The Trump Administration’s announcement that it would no longer separate families the border has led it to propose new rules that would allow it to bypass a 1997 court settlement that dictates how long children can be kept in detention. Shefali Milczarek-Desaiwho works with the immigration and asylum clinic at the UA James E. Rogers College of Law and explains the origins and latest challenge to the so-called Flores Settlement. SAVING FOR COLLEGE: Certified Financial Planner Mary Ahearn shares advice she gives to families about saving for college so they can avoid dipping into retirement funds to cover costs. OWN WORDS: STUDENT LOAN DEBT: Nationwide, student loan debt totals $1.4 trillion. In their own words,college students at the University of Arizona explain why their student loans are worth it for them.