YUMA IMMIGRATION SURGE: Lorraine Rivera travels to San Luis, Arizona where she joins Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector to see how they are handling the influx of asylum seekers. She witnessed firsthand a group of nearly 30 immigrants, mostly women and children, from Central America surrender to agents. AIDING MIGRANTS IN SAN LUIS: Lorraine Rivera travels across the border to San Luis, Mexico where dozens of people have camped outside the port of entry while waiting to formally request asylum in the U.S. She also visits a church in Arizona aiding migrants with donated goods. SHUTDOWN IMPACT: UA School of Government & Public Policy head Brint Milward discusses the partial government shutdown’s economic impact and historical significance. IMMIGRATION COURT CLOSURES: Arizona Republic reporter Daniel Gonzá lez discusses how the partial government shutdown has led most immigration courts to close, exacerbating an already growing backlog. TPD CHIEF ON IMMIGRATION: Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus appears in studio to discuss recent testimony he offered a Senate subcommittee about stopping the flow of drugs into the U.S. from Mexico and how the current rhetoric around immigration impacts his department.