We all like to eat, but some of our favorite foods can be hard on the planet. Katharine Wilkinson, one of the authors of DrawnDown, https: //www.drawdown.org/, tells us how much our food choices - from what we consume, to how we deal with food waste - affects our health and climate change. How do we make sure food supplies, like seafood, remain sustainable and available? In New Orleans, the Audubon Nature Society promotes an annual sustainable seafood dinner to raise awareness about everything from buying local, wild caught versus aquaculture, and how to be open-minded to unfamiliar but plentiful seafood choices. Can adventurous eaters lead an food revolution that reduces greenhouse gases and feeds a growing population? "Bug Apetit! " explores serving up a better future. Take crickets, for instance! High in protein, they're hopping into popular culture in New York City and London, and possibly soon to a city near you.