If you've ever said "But I don't have anything to wear," you'll want to pay attention as Becky Johnson explains how our enemy is our wardrobe. She's going to share some tactical tips for winning the wardrobe war. Johnson's company is BeckyHomecky's Life UNITS. Bruce Johnson represents Minwax. He says that funky and functional charm are the buzzwords today, and he'll share a couple of ways to find new uses for discarded pieces, such as ladders and old drawers. He'll show how to turn these items into towel racks, centerpieces, and even a new wall display. Connie Moyers is retired from the NM Cooperative Extension Service, and she's going to talk about what she calls the "poison purse." She says we need to be wary of the danger of many common items we probably all have in our purses or pockets.