Paint This With Jerry Yarnell

Steps To Nowhere, Part 2

Season 14, Episode 10 of 13

The underpainting process continues throughout this segment. Jerry continues by lightly sketching the intermediate trees next. Using one of the chisel-edge brushes to create a smudgy effect on some of the trees. Switch to #4 bristle or #6 to work on pathway. Next Jerry reviews light source options and decides light will be coming from left to create cast shadows. Uses a #4 chisel-edge brush to add light to stones and steps (caps and risers) being careful not to make steps look "perfect" cautioning viewers that the steps are very old and need to be crooked. Uses #6 bristle to create open part of foreground w/sand, dirt, and scrubs to create mud.

Previously Aired

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11 a.m.
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9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
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