In the final episode in this series, Jerry uses the #10 chisel-edge brush to add first level of light on the cactus and to leave a darker ridge for the depressions in the plant. Now switching to the #4 bristle brush continues with highlighting and bringing cactus alive. Now with #4 round sable brush, Jerry returns to the Ocotillo plant to add the red blooms. Next Jerry inserts a grassy effect in various areas of the painting foreground. Now with the #6 chisel-edge brush Jerry inserts some tall weeds. Then with a dark mixture, Jerry adds a cast shadow of the cactus that creates drama and sunlight coming through - which also fits the vertical-ness of the grass and contour of the land. Next with the #2 chisel-edge brush, Jerry dabs in some touches which have the structure of a flower - giving them a "cup" effect like a poppy. Then with #6 bristle brush Jerry adds additional highlights to the yellow bush. Jerry shows how to use a toothbrush to get a rock and pebble effect and finally, Jerry wraps up with a few more highlights on the rocks.