Laura Flanders Show

Season 2, Episode 35 of 52

From the contest for governor of Virginia to school board races across the country, opposition to Critical Race Theory proved an effective tactic for Republican candidates to defeat Democrats in this November's election. Does that justify the conclusions drawn by many in the media that Democrats need to stop talking so much about racism, history, and structural inequality? Must progressives face electoral reality, as many editorials have recently suggested, and tone down the so-called woke agenda? Or are there other ways to report the CRT story, and different conclusions to draw from November's elections? Can the media go beyond the horserace? In this month's "Meet the BIPOC Press" episode of The Laura Flanders Show, Laura leads a roundtable conversation exploring all of the above with URL Media co-founders Sara Lomax-Reese and Mitra Kalita and Editor-in-Chief at The Real News Network, Maximillian Alvarez. Guests: Sara Lomax-Reese, Co-Founder, URL Media; Mitra Kalita, Co-Founder, URL Media; Maximillian Alvarez, Editor-in-Chief, The Real News Network.

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