Sirena Linton, Gymnast Named University of Arizona Athletics 2022 Junior of the Year, Sirena Linton describes what it means to be a first-generation Mexican American student athlete, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and an NCAA All-American . Borderlands Brewers During early medieval ages, after making bread, women used to brew beer with the left over grain. Ayla Kapahi and Savanna Saldate are two brewers in Tucson. We follow them at the Borderlands beer production facility as they brew beer and share with us the joys and challenges of being a female brewer in a male dominated industry. Field Notes: Carrion Flowers In this installment of Field Notes, producer David Fenster takes us into his backyard to meet one of the stinkiest flowers in the world, Stapeliagigantea [sta-peelia] also known as the carrion flower. Anthropocene Who? “Anthropocene” is term used to describe unit of geological time when human activity greatly impacted the earth’s climate and ecosystems. As we experience more frequent and unpredictable weather events and species becoming extinct at significantly faster rates, the feelings that come up can be daunting and alien. Where words fail, art has provided a means to process and communicate. This story is about two artists where issues relating to climate change and extinction are central to their work.