Martha's Slumber Party of the Weird - The gang is camping out. The tent is pitched, they've played a hundred hands of Go Fish, and they've even eaten all the s'mores - but they still aren't tired. When TD suggests they tell science fiction stories, no one expects this story to end as it does: to be continued! Vocabulary: (E) science fiction, data, unpredictable, forsee(able), unforeseen, feline(s) (I) gather(ing), mysterious, peculiar, vine. Return to Martha's Slumber Party of the Weird - A shadow on the outside of the tent inspires still more stories. With humans shrinking to the size of ants, and ants growing to the size of humans, everyone has something to contribute. Vocabulary: (E) miniature(ize), enormous, magnify(ing), improbable, scientist (I) ray, puny, huge, giant, mini.