PRINCE FOR A DAY: When Princess Kidoodle is suddenly called away for a day, she names Ord prince for the day! Ord thinks that being a prince is easy until he is faced with a real decision. It is up to him to choose the official healthy snack of the festival; nuts or fruit. When Ord tries to poll his friends for their preferences, each time there is a tie. It is up to Ord to make the right decision on his own. He comes up with a clever solution that makes everyone happy. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Learning to deal with a problem and coming to a solution./ SO LONG SOLO: Zak and Wheezie are eager to prep their performances in the rapidly approaching Twilight Talent Show. But Zak, consumed by trying to find a Jugglebug to participate in his act, must endure Wheezie wildly practicing for her trumpet solo. The two soon discover that they can not do both at the same time. Wheezie's loud trumpet playing scares away Zak's jugglebugs and Zak's search for a juggle bug prevents Wheezie from practicing her trumpet. Eventually they compromise and agree to take turns. Wheezie holds off playing her trumpet while Zak successfully lures a jugglebug into his juggle gym. Then, with the little juggle bug safe and at peace under the "Alone Cone," Wheezie lets loose on her trumpet! With both acts perfected, Zak & Wheezie perform that night in a display of talent and collaboration. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Resolving a conflict