There is a princess in distress on Sesame Street! She cannot meet her prince without kissing a frog, but the frog keeps hopping away! Elmo and Abby try to help by learning a little more about frogs on Alan's computer. The first thing they learn is that frogs are amphibians and like to gather in groups and croak together. Abby and Elmo pretend to be croaking frogs to attract the frog. It works, and the frog hops over, but before the princess can kiss him, he hops away. Next they learn that frogs like to eat flies and catch them with their long sticky tongues. They convince Allan to buzz like a fly while they croak. It works! The frog comes back, the princess kisses him, but nothing happens. The frog is still a frog. The princess convinces Abby to work her magic and turn the frog into a prince. She does, and after a few tries, poof - the frog becomes a prince. But the frog prince has no idea what it means to actually be a prince. He still wants to hop, eat flies, jump on lily pads, and croak all night. The prince is sad and sings a song about missing his life as a frog. The princess finally understands that the prince can't be happy as a prince if he was meant to be a frog, and she asks Abby to change him back. The frog happily resumes his life, but this time, the princess is so amazed with all of the things he can do that she decides to forget about looking for her prince and just enjoy being with her friend the frog.