The King of Crustaceans In the north Atlantic, the American Lobster is the undisputed king of crustaceans. It's also a tremendously important commercial catch. While all the other fisheries are collapsing, why are lobsters resisting the trend? Jonathan goes out with a Maine lobsterman to learn why, and he dives down below to find the biggest lobsters he has ever seen. Shark Suckers - Sharks and many other large ocean animals have sucker-equipped fish called remoras sticking to them. What are the remoras doing? Do they harm the shark? Jonathan goes on a mission to investigate remoras and their role in the food web. He even sticks one on himself. Stingray City - For twenty years, people have been feeding a large group of friendly stingrays at a place in the Cayman Islands. Jonathan travels to Grand Cayman to meet up with the famous marine artist and researcher Guy Harvey who is studying the relationship between humans and stingrays. He even shows Jonathan how to hold a stingray safely in his arms.