Fixing Juvie Justice

Episode 1 of 1

America's reliance on juvenile incarceration is the highest among the world's developing nations by an astonishing margin. It has costly implications, both financially and for the future of the youth at risk. It costs approximately $88,000 per year to send a kid to juvenile incarceration and nearly 70% of them are re-arrested after being released. Could there be an alternative to this broken system of kids cycling in and out of the grasp of the juvenile justice system? Now in an experiment, a group of innovators in Baltimore, on a quest to fix the broken system, turn to an island on the other side of the world for a possible solution. Could the restorative justice principles of the Maori people in New Zealand be applied to the mean streets of the United States?

Previously Aired

4 p.m.
6 p.m.
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