This episode, "Rechenka's Eggs," features eggs, their biological anato my and artistic uses. Viveca Lindfors reads "Rachenka's Eggs" by Patri cia Polacco. This is a story about Babuska, an elderly woman living in Russia, who spends her time coloring eggs and an injured goose named Rechenka who Babuska nurses back to health. Patricia Polacco, the auth or of "Rachenka's Eggs" talks about how the stories of her Russian gra ndparents and visiting wild Canadian geese in a park inspired her to w rite this story. She also demonstrates her egg coloring craft which sh e learned from her grandmother. Host LeVar Burton talks about the anat omy and biology of eggs and eggs as art. The children review "The Talk ing Eggs," "I Made It Myself," and "Stefan & Olga."