READING RAINBOW is a magazine program for children that introduces a w ide range of educational topics that teach them about the world, inspi re them to read, and give them ideas about what they could be when the y grow up. This episode gives kids a behind-the-scenes look at newspap ers. Host LeVar Burton shows kids the wide variety of newspapers avail able and asks kids to talk about their favorite parts of a newspaper. The cast of "Forbidden Broadway" and Lee Murphy narrate THE FURRY NEWS , a children's book that explains how a newspaper is created. Cartooni st Ray Billingsley describes his comic strip "Curtis," how he creates it, and why creating a strip about an African American boy is importan t to him. Janine Lea, a student at Bergenfield High School, talks abou t her role as editor-in-chief of the BEAR FACTS, her school newspaper, and shows what is involved in producing a typical issue. Kids review WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A NEWSPAPER REPORTER, GREAT NEWSPAPER CRAFTS, and NEWSPAPERS.