The half-hour animated series SPACE RACERS focuses on the adventures of five spaceships - Eagle, Robyn, Hawk, Starling and Raven - each with unique abilities and skills that help them explore the Solar System and accomplish scientific missions. These characters, along with their fellow cadets and teachers at the Stardust Space Academy, comprise a super elite space-bound task force known as the Space Racers. Their extraordinary adventures begin in the exciting world of Stardust Bay, a familiar yet fantastical place populated by talking spaceships and vehicles. SPACE RACERS introduces preschoolers to meaningful science and technology concepts from the early childhood STEM curriculum. From investigating asteroids to applying scientific teamwork to discovering the effects of the moon's gravitational pull, the stories tap into children's curiosity and excitement about space and discovery. Each half-hour episode consists of two animated segments bridged by live-action interstitials featuring children interacting with space and science exhibits at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Maryland Science Center. Other short-form segments feature children creating space-related art in a classroom setting, interactive pop quizzes, and music videos featuring songs from the series.