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Nurses reach contract with St. Joseph's, St. Mary's

It's the first union nursing contract in Arizona.

Mandatory COVID-19 tests await UA students in dorms

Before moving in all students would have be tested for the novel coronavirus.

Frontline health care workers urge public to wear a mask

Health care workers are exhausted and discouraged by public behavior, says one Tucson doctor.

Arizona among states at greatest risk level for COVID-19

State's infection rate is now the world's highest, according to data by the Harvard Global Health Institute.

Pima County was close to, but still under, ICU bed capacity through much of the week

Only a few dozen ICU beds were available in the county, which saw around 300 ICU beds in use throughout the week.

Slots for free Pima County COVID-19 testing rapidly filling up

The lab expects to conduct 1,000 tests per day.

Researchers developing wearable technology to fight coronavirus spread

For now, the technology can collect data about vital signs and "augment" a diagnosis, though researchers have bigger goals.

'We are nowhere near having this under control,' UA epidemiologist says

Arizona's high COVID-19 percent positivity rate indicates the virus is uncontained.

Pima County moves to 'dramatically' expand contact tracing

The county signed with a health care contractor to ramp up its efforts.

Pima County health officials outline holiday weekend precautions

Face masks and social distancing are a must for July 4 gatherings.

Pima County hospitals near capacity

The county reports more than 90% of ICU beds are in use.

As Arizona cases surge, health care workers suffer 'emotional exhaustion'

Hordes of new patients, short-staffed hospitals and increased politicization are weighing on front-line workers.

Local social services try to find their feet as COVID-19 cases surge

Pandemic causes lapses in communication and increases instability for those experiencing homelessness or abuse.

Isolation and increasing temps can be deadly combo for seniors

Research into climate change impacts show higher temperatures and social isolation can be deadly.

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