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UA professor looking to make your smartphone more efficient

Tosi Adegbija is studying ways to reduce junk data that clogs memory storage hardware.

How the UA plans to continue 'campus conversations' this fall

The events stem from protests last spring concerning the presence of Border Patrol on campus.

Journalists roundtable, Regina Romero, free speech at the UA

Analyzing the results of the Tucson primary election and looking ahead to the general election.

Report: US Native American health agency at crossroads

The Indian Health Service has been plagued with problems standing in the way of delivering health care.

2nd Border Patrol agent convicted of abusing immigrant

The agent was convicted of punching an immigrant who was in custody.

Tucson candidates look ahead to general election

Mayor, City Council and a sanctuary initiative will be put to a vote in November.

25 killed in attack on bar in coastal Mexico

Mexico's president is calling for an investigation into possible ties to government officials.

Border crossings at Arizona ports of entry down from last year

Pedestrian and vehicle numbers are bad news to border businesses that depend on shoppers from Mexico.

Phoenix voters rejecting anti-rail initiative by wide margin

The proposition aimed to block extending the light rail, including a plan to expand into working-class Hispanic and African American communities of south Phoenix.

US moves FEMA, Coast Guard money to fund border programs

$217 million would be moved to fund things like increasing the number of beds for detained immigrants.

New website aims to bring Arizona residents in on push to ratify USMCA

The Arizona governor's office is pushing for support of the deal. Mexico has ratified it, but Canada and the U.S. have not.

Arizona-Sonora short film contest, workshop open for submissions

The contest is accepting films about life in the borderlands by students and nonprofessionals.

Romero claims victory, Farley endorses her in Democratic mayoral primary

Lane Santa Cruz wins Ward 1 primary to replace Romero on the City Council.

Scientist warns of tons of orbiting space junk, with more on the way

The debris is a byproduct of things we take for granted in our way life, Al Anzaldua says.

City voters weighing light rail system's future in Phoenix

The proposition asks whether any expansion of the rail system should be permanently halted.

NAU establishes criminal justice degree focusing on Indian Country

Students can enroll in the online degree now to learn about criminal justice on tribal lands.

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