
Mud Puddle

Season 1, Episode 12 of 26

Mud Puddle: Mona learns about getting clean and dirty. - Nana is watering her garden while Russell is playing in a mud puddle. Mona is in her bathing suit and says she doesn't want to go in the mud. Nana assures her the mud is fun and she doesn't have to worry about getting dirty because she is in her bathing suit. Nana encourages her further, until Russell and Mona begin to play together in the mud. Russell goes under the mud and then resurfaces. Nana warns him to be careful. Mona goes under as well and comes back up with a hat of mud. They throw mud at each other and play. Nana gets them out of the mud because it is time to go over to Mr. Wooka's for a puppet show. Mona pretends to be a mud monster and chases Nana over to Mr. Wooka's yard. Puppet Show: It is set in clean town, where everything is clean. A dirty pig comes to the town, and the whole town pitches in to clean the pig. Mona and Russell try to hug Mr. Wooka and Nana but they won't allow it because they are so dirty. Now it is time for a bath. Mona and Russell are in the bath together getting clean. Nana asks if they are clean and goes through a checklist. She finds out that Russell didn't wash behind his ears so Mona helps him and he washes Mona. Nana says they are clean and takes them out of the tub. She wraps Mona in a towel and puts Russell down. He shakes himself off and in the process sprays Mona and Nana. They head downstairs to the kitchen for some blueberries. Russell sniffs at Mona's blueberries so she pushes him away and he squeezes in front of her and spills the blueberries everywhere. Nana has to clean up the floor, and Mona and Russell help. Nana is very proud of them for cleaning and remarks on how clean the kitchen is. It inspires Nana to sing a song. As they enter the living room she finds an errant blueberry. Song Time: It is a song about cleaning up blueberries. While Nana sings Mona and Russell look and find a few more blueberries. Mona shows her the other berries they found. Now it is time for a story. Story Time: Chloe The Very Clean Pig - The story talks about how Chloe is clean, and how she keeps everything clean. Mona wants to go back in the mud but the doorbell rings and it is Mommy. They tell her all about the mud and then find another blueberry and explain the spill that happened in the kitchen.

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11 a.m.
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