Make Way For Noddy

The Tell-Tale Bell/Bicycle Battle

Season 1, Episode 15 of 20

The Tale-Tell Bell: To help Noddy tell right from wrong, Big-Ears cast s a spell on Noddy's hat bell, making it ring whenever he's about to d o wrong. The Goblins use this to their advantage to help them play a p rank. Say It With Noddy: Big Ears holds story time at his home and Nod dy makes sure everyone has a seat and uses his new word "chair" in Rus sian. Bicycle Battle: Noddy and Martha Monkey are forced to ride a two -seater bicycle for the big race. They are at odds most of the race, b ut soon work together and win. Say It With Noddy: Noddy learns a Russi an word for "green" and goes around Toyland pointing to green objects. During the music video, "The Weather Song," Noddy and his friends sin g about how they like to play in different kinds of weather.

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