Host LeVar Burton opens this episode with pipe-cleaner art and explain s that pipe-cleaners bend because they are made of wire. One example o f wire's usefulness is found in the story, "Galimoto, read by Hattie W inston. In this tale a 7-year-old African boy makes a toy pick-up truc k, called a "galimoto", out of scrap wire he finds in his community. A visit to an artist who makes hanging scuplture out of wire in New Mex ico reveals another possible use for wire. A tightrope walking family working for Ringling Brothers' Circus explains that when they perform their lives depend upon a wire, and LeVar Burton echoes the same senti ments are as he rides suspended on a cable in a tramway car. The kids review the following books about activities they can do with wire and other stuff: "The Little Pigs' Activity Book", "Look At This" and "My First Activity Book".