Emmy and Max are excited to attend the beach bash in Dragon Land. Whil e the dragons are busy collecting all sorts of interesting seashells, Ord uses the rare Wish Shell he's found to transport himself to Kingdo m Come, so he won't have to share his wishes or anything else with the others. There, Ord is greeted by host Monsieur Marmadune, who says th at Marmadune's key is the only way out of the Kingdomand, unfortunatel y, he isn't sharing! In "Goodbye Little Caterpoozle," Everyone loves t o play with Cassie's fuzzy pet caterpoozle, especially Cassie. When Ca ssie discovers a transparent cocoon in the cage, they all believe that Poozie has died. To help Cassie feel better, the friends share favori te memories of Poozie and offer to help find another pet. None will do , until a caterpoozle a lot like Poozie crawls up Cassie's arm, nuzzle s her neck and smiles up at her.