Painting for Peanuts - The zoo is in danger of closing! Helen and TD volunteer for an animal painting class to try and save it. But it turns out animal painting isn't exactly what they thought... Vocabulary: (E) realistic, easel, participate(d), abstract, portrait (I) painting(s), artwork, brushes, course, sculpture, pose(s). Martha's No Dummy - Granny Flo is hosting a variety show. Helen and Carolina team up to perform a pantomime, Alice practices her tap routine, and Truman perfects his water glass symphony, but TD and Martha struggle to come up with an act. Will they ever find their voice? Vocabulary: (E) pantomime, routine(s)(ly), rehears(ing)(al)(ed), ventriloquist, entertain(ment)(ing)(ed) (I) host(ing), show, old-fashioned, star(dom)(s), act.