Rosie is supposed to be Emily's back engine for the funfair special but wants to pull it on her own. Not realizing Emily is already attached she huffs and strains and a coupling snaps, and she chuffs along with only half the special. As she puffs along other couplings snap without her knowledge and cause disruption all over the track. The Puppet Show has arrived on Sodor and Skarloey asks Sir Topham Hatt if he can pull the puppet show special. The trucks are very heavy but instead of accepting Rheneas' offer of help, Skarloey challenges him to a tug of war with the trucks. As they pull and tug a coupling snaps and Skarloey races proudly off with all the trucks, but his brakes can't handle the weight! He can't stop and bashes into Duncan's delivery for the show. Instead of helping Duncan, Skarloey rushes off to deliver his special but the same thing happens again with poor Rusty. Skarloey keeps going but with no brakes he splashes into Percival pond. Rheneas' arrives to help Skarloey get back on track and takes the special so that Skarloey can put right what he has done wrong allowing for everything to arrive for the puppet show on time.