Making Tracks: Bob finds a big footprint on the rainforest floor and is afraid that it has been left behind by a new, giant animal. He tries to follow the footprints, but it seems as though they are following him. When he can't match the print with any of the ones on Madge's chart, and discovers with Oko's help what is causing the mysterious footprints... a leaf stuck to the bottom of his own feet. Educational Notes: Tracks - Animals leave behind footprints or markings as they move. These tracks can tell you about an animal's habits, identity, and the activity it was doing. Map it Out: Smooch and Winslow can't agree on the shortest route to Snook's house, so Snook suggests that they draw a map of the World Tree. They enlist Burdette's help to measure the distances between different points and add those measurements to their map. When they are finished, they calculate the length of each route and find that they are both right - the distances are equal. Educational Notes: Maps - Maps are representations of the real world and can help us find places, determine the distance between places, or select the best route to our destination.