This episode of READING RAINBOW, "Through Moon and Stars and Night Ski es," features the personal stories of adoptive families. Andrew Lei, a n adopted child, reads Ann Turner's THROUGH MOON AND STARS AND NIGHT S KIES, a story about an adopted child adjusting to his new home. Gavin and Andrew, two adopted young children, talk with their adoptive paren ts about what adoption is like and what makes a family. Emily and her adoptive mother speak of the emotional time when Emily asked about who her real parents were. A family discusses how adopting a baby Tess ch anged their lives. Host LeVar Burton sums up the theme of the program when he explains "when it comes right down to it families are just fam ilies." Kids review HORACE, FATHERS, MOTHERS, SISTERS, BROTHERS: A COL LECTION OF FAMILY POEMS, and FREE TO BE...A FAMILY: A BOOK ABOUT ALL K INDS OF BELONGING.