Old Reliable Edward - Gordon and the big engines tease Edward for being old. When Gordon sees a pair of red trousers blowing by the tracks, he mistakes them for a red danger flag and stops, becoming stuck on Gordon's Hill. Edward has to give Gordon a push. When Gordon doesn't even say thank you, so Thomas and Edward decide to teach him a lesson. Educational Objectives: accepting differences, accepting help, recognizing and utilizing individual strengths and skills, expressing thanks. Not So Slow Coaches - Annie and Clarabel are always complaining to Thomas about going too fast. Thomas likes to tease them by going too fast or too slow. When Annie and Clarabel find themselves coupled to Caitlin by mistake, they get a taste of what going fast is really like, and poor Thomas gets frightened that they might be taken to the mainland forever. Educational Objectives: following rules, apologizing, being a good friend, helping others, cooperation, expressing thanks.