Oscar the Grouch is the host of the Grouch News Network- all grouchy, all disgustin', all yucky news, all the time. The stories are starting off grouchy enough, but they're ending up really nice. First, Cookie Monster is upset when his cookie breaks in half, but thanks to Oscar, he realizes that he now has 2 half cookies. Then, there's a celebrity sighting outside Hooper's store. Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty are playing checkers when Sleeping Beauty falls asleep right in the middle of their game. Prince Charming is feeling frustrated, but Oscar unknowingly gives him a great idea- a kiss could wake her up. Sleeping Beauty thanks Oscar with a big kiss of his own. Now Oscar's really losing his grouchy viewers. Although, there has been an elephant stuck in Maria's bathtub all day, which could just be the kind of grouchy news him and his viewers need. Bob just happened to be watching the Grouch News Network and comes to the rescue with a bag of peanuts to get the elephant out! Oscar's show is ruined. Lucky for him, it's so nice, happy and sweet that it's aggravating! The grouches love it and Oscar wins the Phlemmy Award. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Emotional Objective