A CURIOUS CASE OF CURIOUSITY - When Mrs. Botsford gets zapped by Ms. Question's Curiosity Field Creator, she cannot help but bombard Becky and TJ with a string of endless questions. Will WordGirl be able to stop Ms. Question before she turns not only her mother, but the whole city into a bunch of relentless question-askers or will she find herself incurably curious, too? Vocabulary Words: Privacy, Interrogate. THERE'S NO V IN TEAM - We all know how Victoria Best deals with losing, right? Not very well. So when Becky causes Victoria to publically lose the City Quiz Bowl Championship, Victoria hatches a plan to take back the title and reclaim her place at #1, no matter the cost. Will WordGirl get the trophy back to its rightful owners? Will she finally teach Victoria Best what it means to be a good sport? Okay, maybe that second part is asking a little too much... Vocabulary Words: Swipe, Triumph.