READING RAINBOW is a magazine program for children that introduces a w ide range of educational topics that teach them about the world, inspi re them to read, and give them ideas about what they could achieve whe n they get older. In this episode, host LeVar Burton talks with his de af friend Terry Lean about what being deaf is like and the different w ays deaf people communicate. She also teaches LeVar a few phrases in A merican Sign Language. Lea Salonga narrates SILENT LOTUS, a book about a girl born deaf who learns how to express herself through dance. Bro thers Brian and Justin talk about their close relationship despite Bri an's deafness. Justin, who knows sign language, speaks about how deaf kids are just like hearing kids. Hearing and deaf kids who participate in a special dance class discuss the experience and how they learned to communicate and become friends. Kids review THE HANDMADE ALPHABET, HAND RHYMES, and AMY: THE STORY OF A DEAF CHILD.