The Sloth Must Be Crazy: A shiny, green object falls from the sky, and before Snook can explain to Bob what it is, Bob decides to investigate the mystery object for himself. When Bob finally goes to see Madge, she helps him put all of the information he's learned together to discover that the object is an apple. EDUCATIONAL NOTES: Investigative techniques - When we encounter an object we've never seen before, there are several ways we can help determine what it is: using our senses, comparing it to other items, and examining it closely. Smarter Than You Think: Winslow worries that everyone is smarter than he is, so he visits Madge, who reminds him of times when he learned new things. As she explains that everyone learns in different ways, Winslow remembers a time when he solved a mystery and realizes that everyone is smart in their own way - including him! EDUCATIONAL NOTES: Learning - Everyone is smart in different ways and there are lots of different ways to learn. Sometimes we're learning and we don't even realize it.